Sunday 13 December 2009

swan lake

after a week of viral stuff and thankfully not swine flu ,maybe the vaccine is doing its job or maybe its the placebo effect, but the sore arm helped... and nothing like a  bit of rejection from the man front  ... a dose of sex and the city did its consolaatory job and this morning woke up refreshed and invigorated by my morning observer scope, which told me that I could and should do anything .... so we'll see ... I love horoscopes for that effect, bearing in mind they are for one twelth of the population they are so startingly true for the amount of time it stays in my memory, ie for 5 minutes ... then onto the sunday times style and the telegraph ones just to check they all correlate and my family keep them, after three years of training they still go missing. ... in an ideal world I would have them all delivered to my house and ironed ...  but just the magazines ..

anyway after a brunch and good ole catch up , thanks be for my wonderful girlfriends who keep me on track and let me splurge with the trials and tribulations of life and hope that it is resciprocated ..  matthew bournes swan lake was everything a ballet, dance show should be .. a live orchestra, a wonderfuly eclectic audience , old, young, very good looking men and all shapes and colurs of people, the dancng was amazing, the costumes beautiful, the choreography visually stunnning , and am going to have to see it again as theree was so much going on  that what have I missed ... this is what makes you alive and also dream ... I think yet again how amazing to live in London and have the opportunity to see shows like this ...  i'll have baeutiful dreams tonight ..

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