Sunday 24 January 2010

more films

Coco before chanel - a wonderfully shot cinematic profile of Coco - her life and love - I am seeing a few films that have depressing love endings and those that don't commit get hurt the most ... the acting was wonderful and the cinematagrophy was beautiful. they really must have had fun shooting in the french chateau ...
UP in the air - again a depresing love story, not sure whether I like it or not but cleverly done as was expecting a happy cheesy ending.. maybe more surprsing as its the woman who was playing around - grey similar landscapes of the airports, the anonomnity of it all , the drabness of the cities , the crapness of their jobs, the blankness and lack of social awareness that the jobs ended up having , taking away the human touch was going to cause more harm than good .. but is flying around the best way to do it, thus depriving someone of their life and home .. and stablity .
looking forwardto seeing more movies ..
 am reading adorno at the moment - he seems to be insinuating that culture really is lost, were the old time masters the  only style , do you have to suffer to be an artist ? or to be creative

Thursday 21 January 2010

analogous thought

I love this lecture - classification and the idea of analagous thought - no script, just social ideolisation - I may ahve to come back to this a bit later .
Levticus - the idea that why certain animals can't be eaten -was this partly due to do with cultural ecology..

rupa and the april fishes

so yet again inspired by a wonderful band last night - thanks to Manjot ... I like the the idea that books and films and music comes to you as you need it .. am so glad that lots of people came and were suitably inspired .. she's got a wonderful backrgound and maybe thats why I can relate to her, well minus the incredible musical talent, but that she's performing and living her passion.. she rasied the idea that why do people need to earn money and leave their families so far from home , because they care and love them , yet have to leave those they love and care about because of their need for money as the developed world is now prescribing, the old stance that "primitive" values are still primitive .. or thought to be non modern .  what is modern - more and more - its keeping up with the Jones- the fact that we need homes built out of bricks and mortar and need stabilty.. that people are scared of moving around and adapting .. loosing the sjills to adpat and change  - is that what modernity is about and also the need to be dependant upone others for a state. for things to work. for things to develop - the control is gradually taken out of life and our beings. In the UK - its nto considered the societal norm if you don't have a home, a mortgage or life long debt , we have truly bought into  this. I feel at ease with my work, job and home now that I have realised this. doing the course has helped me define the need that I enjoy my job but am not a slave to it. and that I am not a slave to society but can contribute in my own way. if there is a lack of job or opportunity then its follwoing the flow and not going against it.
its been a difficult time for people and discussing life options and the choices that we are given - is it to much choice and how do we know that it is the right decision .  for example - undergoing chemo - is it a god given right that we need to have childern, or again that society is pushing the ideals for ir - you have an "ego unit" the family , the need of procreating and developing your own controlled world within another controlled world. The decisions are a difficult one - and there is no right nor wrong,  when discussing pregnancy, it seems that everyone ahs an opinion or is that opinion a  media driven , western middle class ideal. and any deviation from the script questions the reasons why we do things - you can't take a child back but you can screw them up.  I wonder.. Do you want embryps lying ina  freezer waiting in the hope that one day you decide to go for it and then they don;t grow or align to the womb.. is that more of a disappointment as hope was created , or is it right that science gives us a choice  and we are lucky enough to ahve the chance to do this.

Monday 18 January 2010

new year, new hopes

this year has deifinately started with some life changing events - some a bit too personal to mention on this, but time to think and reflect and not take things for granted at all.
saying that its been difficult for me to concentrate and focus on events and the anthropology... the main problem is the NHS ethics form that has been preying on my mind... so many stupid questions - so many  hoops to jump and barriers to do this form of qualitative research... thats one thing I have learnt - not to do any more research in the NHS - or do it in a team with someone else doing this form.
- so - you have to phone up for a date for  monthly meeting - which is now stretching into APril  (its January now)- as soon as you call you have 4 days to prepare all your paperwork, now I have had one rejection with I must say detailed feedback, I wonder whether calling again will give me a different research number  and then I have to get everything resigned - which is as near as impossible within 4 days. I mean who decided 4 days -  Now headed paper is needed - the interpreting service can't do and I can't get the bloody logo on to the papers. if thats the only problem I seriously give up.. this is seriously hindering any small study when the process is the same for a 10 person qualitative study to a 10000 multi centred study using a new medical device.  its ridiculous.. am so not bothered anymore, theres alawyas another way, but I feel disappointed by the lack of support the NHS can give me.

interestingly enough - reading the piece about egalitarain societes where the women are the gatherers and the men the hunters - although the men hunt a piece of meat that can be worth ten times more calories, the women are more consisitent in gathering plants and foraging. The dynamism of movement - to have little material possessions, the ability to trade skills and sharing fully with members of the local camp when they move around... a matter of bargaining - sharing skills and resources.  not to be stingy and arrogant.  Arrogance is dangerous in the Kung San ( southern Africa) clan .  communal life is also about sharing space I also love the idea that those people who are  depressed or have hurt feelings, express it be compsoing songs which they play for themselves on the thumb piano.. Richard Lees book  on politics, sexual and non sexual, in egalitarian society...

Wednesday 13 January 2010

slumdog millionaire

everytime I watch this film its amazing how much of it is a satire of what we really are - yes its a love story  with an incredible happy ending , the chance and luck. whats so effectively shown and more subtle is the richness of the cinemtography and the life of the slums brought onto the screen and into the mainstream. so beautifully shot - the slums slowly zoomed out, victoria station the people, the masses and the fact that opportunity and luck are everything in this world. everyone has their story and their narrative, why do people discard this and use generalisations and stereotyping. Latika s case of being a woman and suppressed until the end where she was freed by love alone.  She was continually abused because of her feminity and her worth - as a virgin, as a dancer then as a token.  Slums are the manifestations of greed, people can never understand what it is to live like this in such a small space, in such cramped quarters and yet they are human, with personalities, hope and dreams.
Perhaps even more dreams than some of my patients - what is ambition - does it lead to fulfillment, most of us want settlement and security.. Even I , who like the idea of freedom also want the stabilty of life - its a  luxury, many things are beyond our control, but its human nature to be in control and yet not let our control ruin the natural path of progression and to allow life to have its natural course.
lots of musings, lots of ideas , one day I'll be able to draw upon this and write succintctly about my thoughts!!